Excited to Re-Gather!
We are gathering for public worship again starting November 29.
We are excited to re-gather, but will continue to practice caution and physical distancing.
All attendees must RSVP ahead of time and follow the following safeguards:
All attendees should maintain six feet of distance between each other, except for members of the same family or household.
Attendees will sit in every other row, and at least 2 metres of space must be maintained between individuals & households.
Those who are sick or at significant risk should not attend.
Face masks are required for individuals over 2 years of age.
No hand shakes, hugs, or other greetings.
More information will be posted soon… stay tuned!
Stay Connected!
Sunday Worship
We are continuing to meet virtually through the summer. Videos are posted Sunday mornings on our YouTube channel with prayers, music, scripture readings, and teaching for adults and kids.
Local Broadcast – Our Sunday Worship videos will now be played on Cable 4 in Madoc as part of their Sunday rotation. Tune in anytime Sunday to view. NOTE: Broadcast videos are a week behind our YouTube channel in order to meet deadlines and maintain consistency.
UPCOMING: Free Methodist Virtual Prayer Summit, September 17 at 7:00 PM. Learn more and register HERE!
We are using Zoom video conferencing to connect for prayer on Sundays at 10:30 AM.
We have prepared a guide to help us pray during COVID-19. Click HERE to download.
Connecting to the Zoom Prayer Meeting:
Click the link below to download the app to your computer, tablet or smartphone. Click the link again to access the meeting.
OR Access the meetings via telephone. Call one of the numbers below and enter the Meeting ID when prompted. Standard rates will apply.
Sundays: 10:30 AM for prayer
Meeting ID: 430 117 630
Passcode: 326861
Phone Dial-In Numbers
+1 647 558 0588
+1 647 374 4685
+1 778 907 2071
+1 587 328 1099
+1 438 809 7799
(Phone the number, then input the Meeting ID & Passcode when prompted)
Email Updates
We send an email every Thursday with updates for the coming week.
Subscribe to the email list, or contact us with any questions.
Text Messaging Group
Giving Options
We continue to rely on your faithful giving to cover our ongoing expenses. Thank-you!
NEW!! We can now accept giving through E-Transfers. Send to giving@madocwfmchurch.ca.
Contact the office for information about signing up for Pre-Authorized Debit, or mail cheques to the address below.
Get Help
Contact Brandon if you need pastoral assistance of any kind.
Central Hastings Support Network operates the Helping Hands Food Bank in Madoc, and can also provide transportation for health needs or make referrals for crisis needs.
SilverCloudHealth and Shoppers Drug Mart have partnered to offer a free online Stress Management Program during COVID-19.
Ontario Works is providing emergency financial relief for people impacted by the COVID-19 virus.
Family Resources
Contact us for a Family Devotional through the Lord’s Prayer.
Dwell Audio Bible App (free during COVID-19)
6 Strategies for Parenting During COVID-19
Worship Music
Spiritual Practices
Following Jesus is something we do, not just talk or sing about. Here are some resources to help you connect by practicing your faith during our Sabbath Year and Coronavirus social isolation.
Sabbath Year Habits Guide
Rule of Life
https://ruleoflife.com/ https://practicingtheway.org/practices/unhurry
Prayer of Examen
Examen Guide
Daily Prayer (Quiet Time/Daily Office)
Daily Prayer App (Anglican)
Pray-As-You-Go App (Jesuit)
Abide Meditation App
Scripture Reading
Bible App
Dwell Audio Bible App (free during COVID-19)
Refresh Devotional App
Fasting for Beginners
Confession & Healing
Confession Guide
Contact Us!
P.O. Box 446, Madoc, ON K0K 2K0
phone: 613.403.4339
email: brandon@madocwfmchurch.ca
phone: 613.473.2451
email: office@madocwfmchurch.ca